nonfiction book

“The Fangirl Life”: Your New Handbook for Unleashing Your Inner Fanwoman

Fangirl Life book

Kathleen Smith is a fangirl on a mission. Her goal? To help her fellow fangirls wear the label with pride, embrace the unicorn inside of them, and harness their own personal awesomeness to transform themselves into kickass fanwomen who are ready to take on the world.   In her new book The Fangirl Life: A Guide to All the Feels and Learning How to Deal, she offers tips ad tricks to help young woman step into the role of heroine in their own stories.

Don’t be fooled into thinking Smith, who runs the website Fangirl Therapy she shares her thoughts and answers questions from fellow fangirls, is your typical self-help guru with lofty ideas that no mere mundane or muggle could ever achieve. No, Smith’s advice is more like the kind you’d get from your best friend. A therapist by day and a fangirl by night, she expertly weaves science and psychology with pop culture references and humor punctuated with adorable illustrations. She keeps her tone light and fun with an empowering edge that will leave you feeling like you can go out and take on the world like Annalise Keating each time you finish a section. She doesn’t talk down to readers. Instead, she openly admits she’s just like them. She’s a successful, kickass chick who also loves Netflix binges, cries over her OTPs, and gets serious girl crushes on fictional characters and actresses.

Each chapter in The Fangirl Life explores a different aspect of the fangirl lifestyle and how each facet can be used to readers discover ways to become the stars of their own lives. All of a sudden, things that may seem like silly hobbies are valuable life tools. Your girl crush on an awesome lady like J-Law or Tami Taylor becomes an inspiration for how to be more assertive in the classroom or the office. All that Lea Michele hairporn empowers you to try out a new look with confidence. Writing Friday Night Lights fanfics becomes a way to expand your creative thought process. Smith includes fun yet thought-provoking exercises that guide fangirls on a journey of self-discovery to find out how their fandom can be be the greatest weapon in their arsenal to get to where she wants to go.

While she acknowledges all the amazing things that come with the fandom territory, Smith also addresses the pitfalls that can derail a fangirl’s path to success. She implores readers to spread a little more harmony in both their daily lives and fangirl lives. After all, no one likes haters and troll. Why would you want to become one? It’s about learning to control your feels and not let them control you. She not to get sucked into a world where you don’t feel like you can ever measure up. She’s quick to remind us our favorite actresses wouldn’t be able to look seemingly perfect without their glam squads, and, while the drama-filled up-and-down conflict may be fun to watch, your own romantic relationships should not be so chaotic. Above all else, she tells readers not to loose themselves in the crazy world of fandom. She wants her fellow fangirls to use what they love about their favorite badasses to become a more amazing version of themselves, not a carbon copy of someone else. (Yes, we would all love to be Tami Taylor, but, unfortunately, there can only be one.)

Most of all, Smith’s The Fangirl Life takes the shame out of the label and turns it into something empowering. You are some crazy chick who goes on Twitter rants when your favorite character dies or writers chose to wreck your beloved ship. No, you are a creative, strong, amazing fanwoman who can accomplish anything she sets her mind to. So any time you need a dose of encouragement to remind yourself that you are one BAMF, pick up a copy of The Fangirl Life, and let that fangirl flag fly, baby!

September Reading List Day Thirty: “The Crucible” by Arthur Miller

The Crucible (Image)

As we come to this final chapter of the September Reading List, I thought Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible would be the perfect book to end on. What better way to get in the Halloween spirit than with a tale of witches? Written as an allegory for the McCarthy era and the Red Scare, the play is a fictional account of the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 in which group of girls falsely accused many townspeople of being witches. One accusation led to another creating a snowball effect that resulted hundreds being accused and twenty innocent people being sentenced to death. While the play follows the basic historical facts, Arthur’s creative liberties with the characters of John Proctor and Abigail Williams are what truly create an intriguing story. (Abigail holds a a special place in my heart as I got to read her part when we covered the book my junior year of high school.) After an illicit affair that ended badly, the two are pitted on opposite sides as Abigail perpetuates the hysteria and John tries bring her and her friends down, leading to her accuse his wife. A classic staple of high school English courses across the country, The Crucible is timeless tale of what happens when a lie takes on a life of its own and the destruction mass hysteria and paranoia can bring.

What are your thoughts on today’s selection? Share your thoughts below! Also tweet your favorite books to @WriteForBoots and I’ll retweet them!

September Reading List Day Twenty-Nine: “You First” by Lea Michele

You First Lea Michele (Image)

When I found out Lea Michele was releasing her second book this month, I knew I needed to feature it on this list. Part self-help, part writing experience, You First is designed to help readers harness the power of journaling to achieve their best selves. Filled with beautifully pink-lined pages, this book consists a series of guided writing exercises that tackle everything from from goals and ambitions to fitness and relationships. The poignant questions in each chapter are designed to get readers to tune out all the noise around them and really focus on what is important to them. Michele believes that, when you write down your goals on a piece of paper, you are taking the first step to going after what you want. After all, it’s harder to ignore something that’s physically in black and white. She encourages readers to think of these pages as their safe zone, a place where they can and should feel free to express themselves. Complete with Michele’s own journaling experiences, You First about opening yourself up to self-discovery and making time to put yourself first.

What are your thoughts on today’s selection? Share your thoughts below! Also tweet your favorite books to @WriteForBoots and I’ll retweet them!